
Jackie Chan Bot User Guide

Usable commands:

Command Description

All command syntax listed with <> are mandatory 
All command syntax listed with [] are optional


Displays the list of tasks currently in the application

Syntax: list [Modifiers]

This command can be used without special modifiers

Special Modifiers

Keyword Description
-priority Displays the list sorted by Priority (Highest to Lowest Priority)
-priority:rev Displays the list sorted in the reverse order (Lowest to Highest Priority)


Adds a new task of todo type.

Syntax: todo <desc> [Modifiers]

If the desc is empty, an error message will be displayed.

Special Modifiers

Type Example Description
Priority Level ![value] Sets a priority for this task

todo read books !1 will create a new todo task of “read book” with Critical priority.

You can refer to Priority Value for valid priority types


Adds a new task of deadline type.

Syntax: deadline <desc> [Modifiers] /by <date time>

If the desc or date/time is empty, an error message will be displayed.

Special Modifiers

Type Example Description
Priority Level ![value] Sets a priority for this task

deadline read books !1 /by 12/09/2020 1200 will create a new deadline task of “read book” with Critical priority and set the deadline by 12 September 2020, 12PM.

You can refer to Priority Value for valid priority types

You can refer to Date Time format for allowed date-time format.


Adds a new task of event type.

Syntax: event <desc> [Modifiers] /at <date time>

If the desc or date/time is empty, an error message will be displayed.

Special Modifiers

Type Example Description
Priority Level ![value] Sets a priority for this task

event read books !1 /at 12/09/2020 1200 will create a new event task of “read book” with Critical priority and set the event at 12 September 2020, 12PM.

You can refer to Priority Value for valid priority types

You can refer to Date Time format for allowed date-time format.


Marks the selected task as completed

Syntax done <index>

If the task is already completed, this command will not change its status.

If an invalid index number is given, an error message will be displayed.


Deletes the selected task from the application

Syntax delete <index>

If an invalid index number is given, an error message will be displayed.


Finds the given keyword from all tasks, and display it

Syntax: find <keyword>

If no keyword is given, it will print the entire task list (which is equivalent to calling list)

bye / exit

Indicates to programme that the user is exiting. The application will save all of the task.

Syntax: bye or exit

Priority Value

Priority Type Priority Value

Allowed Date Time Format

This application allows 2 type of date (and time) formats.

Time is optional. If no time is specified, it will be default to 0000H.

Allowed Format: